I’ve been exploring the feasibility of aggregating data on prices of replacement parts for heavy machinery. There are a number of websites which list this sort of data. I’m focusing on the static sites for the moment.
I’m using are R with {rvest}
(and a few other Tidyverse packages thrown in for good measure).

The data are paginated. Fortunately the URL includes the page number as a GET parameter, so stepping through the pages is simple. I defined a global variable, URL
, with a {glue}
placeholder for the page number.
This is how I’m looping over the pages. The page number, page
, is set to one initially and incremented after each page of results is scraped. When it gets to a page without at results, the loop is stopped.
page = 1
while (TRUE) {
items <- read_html(glue(URL)) %>% html_nodes(SELECTOR)
if (length(items) == 0) break # Check if gone past last page.
# Extract data for each item here...
page <- page + 1 # Advance to next page.
That’s the mechanics. Within the loop I then used map_dfr()
from {purrr}
to iterate over items
, delving into each item to extract its name and price.
map_dfr(items, function(item) {
part = item %>% html_node("p") %>% html_text(),
price = item %>% html_node(".product-item--price small") %>% html_text()
The results from each page are appended to a list and finally concatenated using bind_rows()
> dim(parts)
[1] 987 2
Scraping a single category yields 987 parts. Let’s take a look at the first few.
part price
<chr> <chr>
1 R986110000 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 240-7732 $1,534.00
2 R986110001 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 213-5268 $1,854.00
3 R986110002 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 266-8034 $1,374.00
4 R986110003 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 296-6728 $1,754.00
5 R986110004 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 136-8869 $1,494.00
6 R986110005 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 255-6805 $1,534.00
That’s looking pretty good already. There’s one final niggle: the data in the price
column are strings. Ideally we’d want those to be numeric. But to do that we have to strip off some punctuation. Not a problem thanks to functions from {stringr}
parts <- parts %>%
price = str_replace(price, "^\\$", ""), # Strip off leading "$"
price = str_replace_all(price, ",", ""), # Strip out comma separators
price = as.numeric(price)
part price
<chr> <dbl>
1 R986110000 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 240-7732 1534
2 R986110001 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 213-5268 1854
3 R986110002 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 266-8034 1374
4 R986110003 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 296-6728 1754
5 R986110004 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 136-8869 1494
6 R986110005 Bosch Rexroth New Replacement Hydraulic Axial Piston Motor For CAT 255-6805 1534
The great thing about scripting a scraper is that, provided that the website has not been dramatically restructured, the scraper can be run at any time to gather an updated set of results.