Andrew B. Collier / @datawookie

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Garmin ANT on Ubuntu

I finally got tired of booting up Windows to download data from my Garmin 910XT. I tried to get my old Ubuntu 15.04 system to recognise my ANT stick but failed. Now that I have a stable Ubuntu 16.04 system the time seems ripe.

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Sportsbook Betting (Part 2): Bookmakers’ Odds

In the first instalment of this series we gained an understanding of the various types of odds used in Sportsbook betting and the link between those odds and implied probabilities. We noted that the implied probabilities for all possible outcomes in an event may sum to more than 100%. At first sight these seems a bit odd. It certainly appears to violate the basic principles of statistics. However, this anomaly is the mechanism by which bookmakers assure their profits. A similar principle applies in a casino.

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feedeR: Reading RSS and Atom Feeds from R

I’m working on a project in which I need to systematically parse a number of RSS and Atom feeds from within R. I was somewhat surprised to find that no package currently exists on CRAN to handle this task. This presented the opportunity for a bit of DIY.

You can find the fruits of my morning’s labour here.

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Sportsbook Betting (Part 1): Odds

This series of articles was written as support material for Statistics exercises in a course that I’m teaching for iXperience. In the series I’ll be using illustrative examples for wagering on a variety of Sportsbook events including Horse Racing, Rugby and Tennis. The same principles can be applied across essentially all betting markets.

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Birth Month by Gender

Based on some feedback to a previous post I normalised the birth counts by the (average) number of days in each month. As pointed out by a reader, the results indicate a gradual increase in the number of conceptions during (northern hemisphere) Autumn and Winter, roughly up to the end of December. Normalising the data to give births per day also shifts the peak from August to September.

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Streaming from zip to bz2

I’ve got a massive bunch of zip archives, each of which contains only a single file. And the name of the enclosed file varies. Dealing with these data is painful.

It’d be a lot more convenient if the files were compressed with gzip or bzip2 and had a consistent naming convention. How would you go about making that conversion without actually unpacking the zip archive, finding the name of the enclosed file and then recompressing? Enter funzip.

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Major League Baseball Birth Months

The cutoff date for almost all nonschool baseball leagues in the United States is July 31, with the result that more major league players are born in August than in any other month. Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers

A quick analysis to confirm Gladwell’s assertion above. Used data scraped from

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satRday in Cape Town

We are planning to host one of the three inaugural satRday conferences in Cape Town during 2017. The [R Consortium]( has committed to funding three of these events: one will be in Hungary, another will be somewhere in the USA and the third will be at an international destination. At present Cape Town is dicing it out with Monterrey (Mexico) for the third location.

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