Andrew B. Collier / @datawookie

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Disney: Quality over Quantity

I read an interesting article in the 10 June 2015 edition of The Wall Street Journal. The graphic below concisely illustrates the focused strategy being adopted by Disney: a steady decline in the number of movies released per year accompanied by a steady ascent in operating margin.

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Hosting Shiny on Amazon EC2

I recently finished some work on a Shiny application which incorporated a Random Forest model. The model was stored in a .rda file and loaded by server.R during initialisation. This worked fine when tested locally but when I tried to deploy the application on I ran into a problem: evidently you can only upload server.R and ui.R files. Nothing else.

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Comrades Marathon Medal Predictions

With only a few days to go until race day, most Comrades Marathon athletes will focusing on resting, getting enough sleep, hydrating, eating and giving a wide berth to anybody who looks even remotely ill.

They will probably also be thinking a lot about Sunday’s race. What will the weather be like? Will it be cold at the start? (Unlikely since it’s been so warm in Durban.) How will they feel on the day? Will they manage to find their seconds along the route?

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R Recipe: Aligning Axes in ggplot2

Faceted plots in ggplot2 are phenomenal. They give you a simple way to break down an array of plots according to the values of one or more categorical variables. But what if you want to stack plots of different variables? Not quite so simple. But certainly possible. I gathered together this solution from a variety of sources on Stack Overflow, notably this one and this other one. A similar issue for vertical alignment is addressed here.

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Comrades Marathon Finish Predictions

Predicting Comrades Marathon finishing times is challenging and people have tried a few different approaches. Lindsey Parry, for example, suggests that you use two and a half times your recent marathon time. Sports Digest provides a calculator which predicts finishing time using recent times over three distances. I understand that this calculator is based on the work of Norrie Williamson.

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The Price of Fuel: How Bad Could It Get?

The cost of fuel in South Africa (and I imagine pretty much everywhere else) is a contentious topic. It varies from month to month and, although it is clearly related to the price of crude oil and the exchange rate, various other forces play an influential role.

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Dealing with a Byte Order Mark (BOM)

I have just been trying to import some data into R. The data were exported from a SQL Server client in tab-separated value (TSV) format. However, reading the data into R the “usual” way produced unexpected results:

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