Blog Posts by Andrew B. Collier / @datawookie

Earthquakes: Magnitude / Depth Chart

I am working on a project related to secondary effects of earthquakes. To guide me in the analysis I need a chart showing the location, magnitude and depth of recent earthquakes. There are a host of such charts available already, but since I had the required data on hand, it seemed like a good idea to take a stab at it myself.

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How Long to Conceive?

This morning my wife presented me with a rather interesting statistic: a healthy couple has a 25% chance of conception every month [1], and that this should result in a 75% to 85% chance of conception after a year. This sounded rather interesting and it occurred to me that it really can’t be that simple. There are surely a lot of variables which influence this probability. Certainly age should be a factor and, after a short search, I found some more age-specific information which indicated that for a woman in her thirties, the probability is only around 15% [2,3].

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Contour and Density Layers with ggmap

I am busy working on a project which uses data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Specifically, I am trying to reproduce some of the results from Orville, Richard E, Gary R. Huffines, John Nielsen-Gammon, Renyi Zhang, Brandon Ely, Scott Steiger, Stephen Phillips, Steve Allen, and William Read. 2001. “Enhancement of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning over Houston, Texas”. Geophysical Research Letters 28 (13): 2597–2600.

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Implementing a Queue as a Reference Class

I am working on a simulation for an Automatic Repeat-reQuest (ARQ) algorithm. After trying various options, I concluded that I would need an implementation of a queue to make this problem tractable. R does not have a native queue data structure, so this seemed like a good opportunity to implement one and learn something about Reference Classes in the process. The Implementation We use setRefClass() to create a generator function which will create objects of the Queue class. Read More →

Iterators in R

According to Wikipedia, an iterator is “an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container”. A collection of items (stashed in a container) can be thought of as being “iterable” if there is a logical progression from one element to the next (so a list is iterable, while a set is not). An iterator is then an object for moving through the container, one item at a time. Iterators are a fundamental part of contemporary Python programming, where they form the basis for loops, list comprehensions and generator expressions. Read More →

Introduction to Fractals

A short while ago I was contracted to write a short piece entitled “Introduction to Fractals”. Admittedly it is hard to do justice to the topic in less than 1000 words.

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Percolation Threshold: Including Next-Nearest Neighbours

Percolation through a larger lattice at the percolation threshold.
In my previous post about estimating the Percolation Threshold on a square lattice, I only considered flow from a given cell to its four nearest neighbours. It is a relatively simple matter to extend the recursive flow algorithm to include other configurations as well. Malarz and Galam (2005) considered the problem of percolation on a square lattice for various ranges of neighbor links. Below is their illustration of (a) nearest neighbour “NN” and (b) next-nearest neighbour “NNN” links. Read More →

Plotting Times of Discrete Events

I recently enjoyed reading O’Hara, R. B., & Kotze, D. J. (2010). Do not log-transform count data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1(2), 118–122. doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00021.x.

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