Blog Posts by Andrew B. Collier / @datawookie

Adding a Sitemap with Gatsby

Gatsby banner image.

A sitemap serves as a navigational blueprint for search engines, ensuring they can efficiently crawl and index all essential pages of a website. By providing a structured list of URLs, a sitemap streamlines the discoverability of content, especially in complex or extensive sites. This not only optimizes search engine ranking and visibility but also ensures that any updates or new content additions are promptly recognized and indexed, thereby enhancing the site’s overall accessibility and user experience.

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Gatsby Starter Project

Gatsby banner image.

Gatsby is a modern, fast framework for building optimized, high-performance websites. It’s a static site generator that compiles a site into static files at build time. Under the hood it uses React (user interface library) and GraphQL (data query language).

Compared with tools like WordPress or Joomla, Gatsby feels a lot more technical and less user-friendly. The learning curve is steeper and it takes longer to get things set up. However, the reward is more flexibility and granular control over all aspects of the site.

This post runs through the steps for setting up a minimal Gatsby site.

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Why Do Sports Odds Change?

Why Do Sports Odds Change?

Many sports trading strategies hinge on odds changing over time. For instance, a strategy might involve laying a market at lower odds, anticipating the opportunity to back it at higher odds later on. Conversely, one might back a market at higher odds, hoping to lay it at lower odds in the future. Some strategies work with short term odds fluctuations, while others depend on longer term odds variations.

In this post I’ll take a look at some examples of odds dynamics and unpack why the odds change.

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Undetected ChromeDriver with noVNC

Undetected ChomeDriver with noVNC.

In a previous post I wrote about an Undetected ChromeDriver Docker image. A container derived from that image exposed a view of the Chrome session via VNC on port 5900. This worked really well. However, it meant having yet another app (the VNC client) running on my already cluttered desktop. I have extended the Docker image to use noVNC which means that I can now view the Chrome session via a web browser. This is very convenient since I always have a browser running.

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Unravelling Transparency in Coverage Data

I have a challenge: extracting data from an enormous JSON file. The structure of the file is not ideal: it’s a mapping at the top level, which means that for most standard approaches the entire document needs to be loaded before it can be processed. It would have been so much easier if the top level structure was an array. But, alas. It’s almost as if the purveyors of the data have made it intentionally inaccessible.

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What is Transparency in Coverage Data?

Transparency in Coverage

The Transparency in Coverage Act (bill currently before congress) is a set of regulations that aim to increase transparency in health insurance coverage in the USA. The primary goal of the act is to provide consumers with clear, accessible, and actionable information about the cover that they receive from their health insurance. What services are included? How much will the insurer pay for a specific service? And how does this change from one provider to another? Or from one geographic region to another? Answers to these kinds of questions were previously hard, if not impossible, for a consumer to access.

In principle the information covered by the regulations should include costs, benefits, and other essential details. It should ensure that consumers can make informed healthcare decisions and understand the financial implications of their choices.

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Controlling what Alembic Autogenerates

Controlling what Alembic Autogenerates

Alembic can autogenerate migrations. This is probably its most valuable feature. However, I had a situation where --autogenerate kept on creating migrations for the databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock tables. These are Liquibase tables and should never feature in the Alembic migrations.

The solution was to tell Alembic to ignore these tables by updating the module.

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Kayak Specifications

The data in the table below gives (manufacturer) specifications for a selection of kayaks and canoes. The data were originally compiled from two sources:

The data has been revised and expanded to include other manufacturers and more recent models. It has also been cleaned to some extent, but there is still work to be done. Please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions.

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Column Order: Inheritance & Declarative Base

I prefer to have my primary key columns first in a table. I recognise that column order is irrelevant to the performance of the table, but I prefer this for personal aesthetic reasons. However, from SQLAlchemy 2.0.0 there’s a change in the way that column order works with inherited base classes.

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